suburban Adventuress

10 Adventurous Things to Do While Self-Distancing or on Self Quarantine in San Diego

· What to Do When Nothing's Going On ·

March 18, 2020 1 Comments

This has been the most challenging time in the history of my Weekend Haps posts because frankly, everything is canceled. Therefore, I'm cobbling together some safe ways you can get out of the house and get some fresh air so that you don't go stir crazy, alongside some tips for how to have adventures in the comfort of your own home.

1. Tour The Louvre, Virtually.

You’re not going to The Louvre in the flesh anytime soon, so why not tour this renowned museum virtually? Bonus: no waiting in lines, no B.O., no jockeying for position in front of the Mona Lisa. Enjoy these beautiful works of art from the comfort of home.

2. Go Tidepooling.

Who needs the Scripps Institution of Oceanography? Okay we all do, but you really don’t need to be shown how to tide pool. Just show up during low tides + enjoy, and like all listed outdoor experiences, only go with the ones you’re riding this pandemic out with. Keep your distance from anyone else you see + DON’T GO OUT AT ALL if you’re sick.

Here’s a cheat sheet for predicted good days + times to see our San Diego tide pools at their best:

Sat, March 212:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Sun, March 2211:00 am – 1:00 pm
Fri, April 312:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Sat, April 41:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Sun, April 52:00 pm – 4:00 pm

3. Check E-Books out at the Library from the Comfort of Home.

Photo by Maarten van den Heuvel

The best thing to do at home these days is to READ. But what if you never had the chance to get to the library before they shut down? No worries – click the link above, register or login + you’ll have a brand new e-Book (ready for the device of your choice) for a full two weeks. It’s easy!

4. Hike Blue Sky Reserve.

Live inland or in the North County? Come out to Blue Sky Reserve, where the hiking lanes are W-I-D-E + the beauty is expansive. Our protocol for hiking while Social Distancing is: if we see other approaching hikers, all in our party move single file to the far right, allowing the other party to do the same on the left. It works well.

5. Have a Netflix Party.

Get a group of people you’d normally be drinking with + sync up on a movie. Don’t actually share space with them unless you’re an incredibly selfish, stupid dope. Be together, but apart!

Netflix Party is a new way to watch Netflix with your friends online. It synchronizes video playback + adds group chat to your favorite Netflix shows. Do this plus the occasional Facetime + you’ll be good to go, socially.

6. Hike the Renowned Torrey Pines State Reserve.

Maybe you want some beach exposure but you don’t want to get wet. This is the hike for those who want all of the ocean breezes with none of the cold water while keeping the option open to actually get some sand between your toes, too.

7. Go for an Open Water Swim or Snorkel.

Because it’s still a little chilly out + there are travel restrictions, our local beaches are not crowded at all. Take advantage of the fresh air, sunshine + salt water and go for a swim or snorkel in the ocean. See my Snorkeling with Sea Lions post for helpful links to local beach cams + tide charts, which can help you best plan your swim.

And remember: Always wait 48 hours after a local rain event to ensure water quality safety.

Also remember that the bathrooms at La Jolla Cove are under construction + the ones at the Shores may either be closed or very unsafe to use (the virus will likely linger there), so bring a big jug of fresh water in your car to dump over your head after getting out of the water – save the shower for when you get home.

8. Take a Virtual Tour of Buckingham Palace.

Photo by Ferdinand Stohr

You’re damn sure not getting into Buckingham Palace anytime soon if they’ve shuttled the Queen out of there, so go back in time to before this pandemic struck + get your Downton Abbey-type of feels virtually. All from the comfort of your couch – you really can’t beat that.

9. Surf, Kayak, or Ride Your Stand Up Paddleboard.

Surfers naturally keep a goof distance from one another in the water to avoid providing fodder for laughs on Kookslams, so it’s safe to say you can continue to surf as long as you’re not sick + you’re not sharing your ride to the beach (or home) with someone who’s not in your “bunker,” so to speak.

Check out San Diego’s best surf spots here. Count on La Jolla Shores for the best kayaking, and the Bay for the best stand up paddleboarding. Don’t forget to BYOB (bring your own board… or kayak), since I can’t guarantee that any rental job will be open right now.

10. Take a Walk Around Your Neighborhood + Learn to Walk Your Cat!

Now’s the time to get to know your neighborhood, which also doubles nicely as a Neighborhood Watch. In these times you have to do more than just arm yourself like a small nation – you need eyes roaming the streets, looking out for each other as neighbors + providing help where needed.

Also, you’ve probably got a dog to walk. Or a cat. If you’ve always said that you never had time to learn how to Walk Your Cat, now’s the time! We do this every day + it keeps the cats from getting too crazy. Also, their being leashed keeps them (+ the neighborhood birds) safe.

Thanks for looking, and stay safe out there my friends. xoxo

suburban Adventuress

1 Comment

  1. robyn

    April 13, 2020

    Did not realise you can virtually tour the museums – love the idea 😀

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