suburban Adventuress

Alcatraz swim prep | in La Jolla with a Leopard shark + Bat Ray

January 21, 2015 Comments Off on Alcatraz swim prep | in La Jolla with a Leopard shark + Bat Ray

This video describes a great local two-mile swim from Marine Room restaurant near La Jolla Shores to La Jolla Cove and back.

Last week I went to the Marine Room dive site and decided that I was going to swim straight(ish) across until I reached La Jolla Cove – the swim is about a mile one way, so that would mean two miles of open water swimming. 
There were times that I felt like I was just treading water and getting nowhere. Also, I brought my camera and stopped here and there to admire the usual fantastic sights seen in my favorite snorkeling spot on the planet. But eventually, I made it! The only thing I suffered was a small rash on my neck from my wetsuit rubbing it from the repetitive shoulder-roll swimming motion required to cover that much ocean. Honestly, anytime I thought it might be too hard, I remembered Diana Nyad and thought… Hey, if she can swim to Cuba…  😀
They say that leopard shark season is roughly July – September, but look who I found JUST as I entered the water? And she was so big ~
Check out the video of my swim. Thanks for watching!

suburban Adventuress